It’s time to find your Soul Joy.

I work with professional helpers - therapists, caseworkers, healthcare providers and more - that are ready to tackle burnout once and for all.

Are you ready to serve while experiencing the greatest joys in life?



It all begins with an idea.

Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you want to launch a business.

What is Soul Joy (and Why You're Craving It!)

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Fusce pretium nibh in sem convallis vehicula. Duis molestie faucibus ante, non tincidunt est vestibulum et. Sed aliquet, dui nec venenatis vehicula, augue tortor dignissim orci, id tempor metus lorem vel quam. Aenean vel placerat eros. Nulla venenatis, urna ac semper sollicitudin, metus ipsum volutpat orci, ut tincidunt erat neque eu sem. Proin augue tellus, dictum interdum turpis sit amet, ultrices pharetra neque. Sed convallis sit amet purus in lacinia. Etiam id pulvinar turpis, ut bibendum nisi. Aliquam feugiat mollis ipsum, nec tincidunt velit varius id. Etiam in tortor dolor. Maecenas vitae faucibus turpis, at posuere libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur pulvinar libero eget mi fringilla rhoncus.


Julie Merriman, PhD

A practicing THERAPIST since 1999.

I’ve been a professional counselor for over 20 years. I’ve seen countless resources for practice building and self-care, but most left a gaping hole in what you really need…

They fail to acknowledge YOU

Your authentic self… your deepest desires – both for your practice and your life.

When you attempt to create your practice… when you haven’t become clear and grounded in what Self-Care Science really means to you…what it looks like for you…

… you find yourself in a constant state of struggle, doubt, and exhaustion. The joy is lost.

I support therapists in connecting with their Self-Care Science, defining your passion and desire…UPSCALING your practice and your life so that you fall head over heels in love.

Are you ready to learn self-care science and upscale your practice and life?

Refreshed. Filled to the brim. Showing up in your practice and life intentionally.

Healthier. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It’s time to upscale and fall in love with your practice and your life!