12 Tips for Upscaling Your Practice & Life

If you’re here, you’re ready to make a change! Here are 12 surprising strategies for therapists to upscale their practice and life!

  1. Know, set, and practice limits, both personal and professional.  

  2. Educate others about your boundaries and limits.     

  3. Define your specialty niche.

  4. Refer clients that do not fit your specialty niche. (It is ok, I promise more will come!)

  5. Set a manageable client load.

  6. Stay organized.  

  7. Recognize and practice choices.   

  8. Be assertive with feelings and concerns.

  9. Don’t suffer in silence, seek supervision and consultation.   

  10. Read professional materials and get training on preventing occupational hazards.    

  11. Take a “Mental Health Day” regularly.  

  12. Practice what you preach…keep yourself in therapy. 


Inner Child Work is Necessary When You Want to Upscale


Prevention-Based Training for Licensed Professional Counselor Interns