Tackle your self-doubt, transform your energy and get back to
the therapy work that lights you up.

The 7-Day Self-Care


with Julie Merriman, Ph.D.



Remember the excitement, anticipation, and conquer-the-world spirit you carried with you into the office that day?

Didn’t it feel amazing? 

You’d done the work. You’d slayed the NCE (or maybe the NCMHCE… or maybe both!) and you were sure the hard part was behind you. 

And then, that first patient… finally!

and then the second patient…

and the 100th.

Somewhere along the way, things shifted.

Your mornings, afternoons, and evenings began to blend together.

And then one day…

You woke up to long hours, too many clients or low-paying clients, skipped lunches, and a general heaviness whenever you’d step foot within your office.

Combine those practice woes with compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and/or burnout, and it’s likely you’re feeling the crushing weight of what used to be your pride & joy.

Bottom line? This just isn’t what you dreamed the life of a mental health professional would be.

So, what now? 

First, let’s hop off this party pity bus. 

There’s a way to shed your self doubt, take back your confidence, and get back to the therapy work you once loved.



My 7-Day Self-Care Science Challenge helps therapists and mental health professionals kick self-doubt, fatigue and fear to the curb and puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life AND practice.

Sign up below and receive Day 1’s resources in your inbox momentarily!

My 7-Day Challenge is for you, if you’re ready to:

Begin building greater advance awareness around your own compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. See it sooner and take action to reduce its effects!

Learn tips and tricks to STOP saying “yes” when you need to say, “no!”

Establish a new mindset around ethics. Learn to use them to your (empowered!) advantage.

Address your relationship with yourself! Create a new perspective of what you need, want and can create in your life and practice.

Learn what healthy self-care looks like while also balancing your practice.

… and learn methods to introduce play on a consistent basis!

Begin the challenge for 7 days of PDF resources, how-to videos and motivating self-care for therapists and mental health professionals.

A practicing therapist since 1999.

You deserve inner peace, self-confidence and a practice & personal life that loves you back! Sign up below to receive Day 1 immediately.

Hi, I’m Dr. Julie.

I’ve been a professional counselor for over 20 years. I’ve seen countless resources for practice building and self-care, but most left a gaping hole in what mental health professionals really need…

They fail to acknowledge YOU

Your authentic self… your deepest desires – both for your practice and your life.

When you attempt to create your practice… when you haven’t become clear and grounded in what Self-Care Science really means to you… you find yourself in a constant state of struggle, doubt, and exhaustion. The joy is lost.

I support mental health professionals in connecting with Self-Care Science. Are you ready to learn the sustainable tools to upscale your practice and life?

To leave you feeling…

Refreshed. Filled to the brim. Healthier. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

It’s time to fall in love with your practice and your life all over again.

You Take care of everyone else.

It’s time to take care of YOU!